Actors & Performers! Aspiring or Auditioning...

Imagine if you knew EXACTLY what YOU need to do to SUCCEED– safely, smartly, sustainably...

CONFIDENTLY attracting great reps, auditions, callbacks, and work... You CAN...


after 6 months of intensive, personal virtual coaching in the Shine Talent Accelerator & Review (aka STAR).

Everything you'll learn inside STAR comes STRAIGHT from our 48-year-strong network of working VIPs (aka agents, managers, casting directors, and music industry execs).

Enrollments by appointment only. Please email asap for more info (after reviewing this site).

After 42 Years Lifting Talent Into The Industry, We're Proud That Our Grads Shine For Companies Such As...

AND MANY, MANY MORE. See a few Successful Shine Grads here.

What do Industry Pros have to say about Shine?

"I’ve been affiliated with Shine for over 20 years. Carey and her team are people of integrity. They genuinely love the performers they seek to serve. I trust them, and you should too."

—Blaine Barcus, Vice President of A&R at Provident Label Group/Sony, Nashville

"There's nothing like Shine. It’s the only event I attend. Some of the clients I met at Shine are my most successful clients."

April Baker, Talent Manager at Stagecoach Entertainment, LA

"Shine is known for creating an atmosphere of excellence and acceptance. Everyone is welcome to come and explore their creative dreams and receive instruction from well-known talent and experts."

—Jackie Patillo, President of The Gospel Music Association

"It’s always a sure bet we’ll find new clients at Shine!!

Shine is an exceptionally well-run program that provides a genuine training ground for performers at many different levels. "

–Phil Cassesse, Stewart Talent, New York (TOP 10 AGENCY)

"Shine continues to dominate in the talent development space! 😊"

Fatmata Kamara, Independent Artist Group, L.A. (TOP 10 AGENCY)

"Shine is an excellent place for people who want to learn the “how-to” of the entertainment industry."

Being a marketable player in the industry is a key factor to success.

Shine is a great place to start for all ages and experience levels, and you will discover things about yourself you never thought possible.”

–Julia Schneider, Ambition Talent Agency, Toronto

Who is STAR for?

Actors, Singers, Models, and Dancers!

STAR is...

🌟ALL virtual🌟




During STAR, you'll learn your best, fastest, safest path toward being a signed, confident, auditioning, working performer doing what you were born to do.

What's even cooler? STAR is for...

🌟ALL experience levels🌟

🌟ALL types, looks, and ages🌟


Why? Because branding and marketing are universally important, seldom taught, and useful to EVERYONE who wants to get agents and book jobs professionally.

How do you know if STAR's right for you?

Here are some types and levels of performers it's been right for!

Leah from London was already acting and auditioning...

but she felt something was missing to make the jump to career actor, so she joined the STAR coaching program.

Abby's teenage son Rockie already had offers...

But she wanted to help him move forward wisely and safely– skipping all the "who to trust" and "how to do this the right way" confusion.

Felix had a talent manager and had worked as an actor and singer, but he felt lost...

He wasn't sure what to do next. How could he get out of "neutral" and move forward with a clear path before him?

Rockeagle from Montreal didn't want to put himself out there without being ready...

He had a dream to act professionally, but he also had values. Could he be successful and maintain them?

Sarah is a BUSY professional with a dream to perform. Could she do both?

She shares her struggles and advice for people like her, who want to follow their own dreams.

Joel moved from Mexico with a degree in acting and got MORE training in L.A., but...

he didn't know how to get a great agent. Plus, as a Christian, how should best proceed?

Cynthia wanted to perform her whole life, but the narrow-mindedness of those around her kept her small until...

Her overcoming of "religiosity" in her family and community is amazing. Are you letting others around you keep you from pursuing your dreams?

Jessica thought she was too busy homeschooling her 4 boys to pursue her dreams...

but she heard that persistent, "small still voice" that told her that it was time. If you're worried you're too busy with your family, that it's too late, listen to how she balanced it!

14-year-old Josh always knew he was born to be an actor...

He'd been trying, and his parents had been scammed in the process. But they kept the faith and joined STAR. Here's what happened next....

John-Wes was already working, SAG-eligible and signed...

but he wanted to go further faster and get a national-level rep. He wanted to up his game.

Singer Amanda struggled with perfectionism and wanted to try acting and modeling...
And not feeling like she could ever be good enough to compete. What she realized is inspiring!

Alix joined STAR with an impressive talent education...

(a Master's in Theater from the Royal Academy), and no clarity about what to do next, and resigned worry about how long it would take.

Canadian Jan hadn't acted since grade school! After retiring from a career as an admin assistant...
She wanted to live her second act– as an actor! (Spoiler alert: Even with NO experience, she keeps booking film after film role!). Here's how...

Doctors told Marissa she had not long to live. After a dramatic recovery...

Instead of working at a job she hated, she wanted to live the life of her dreams. So, she moved whole-heartedly to begin her journey to act and model professionally.

Alexis was just living a "normal guy" life, as he puts it, but he was curious if the industry had a place for him...
He was working as an engineer, wondering if performing was something he could do professionally, HOPING it was, but just ready to take a leap into STAR to find out.

Lauren is a psychiatrist who joined STAR with theater experience but wanted to do more in the industry...

As highly educated as she is, she learned something which surprised her! (And she liked STAR so much her two children did the next session!)

STAR is for you if you're a performer with a desire to be the best you can be, to move toward the highest level of success possible!

At the same time, you want to be a positive role model. You want to inspire others to be the best they can be, too. If you're a parent reading this, is your kid a born "show off"... copying what they see on TV and always looking for chances to perform?

Perhaps you're a talented beginner, new to the industry, and you've been waiting for the right opportunity.

OR maybe you're already performing– even represented. You've invested time and money in your talent. But you feel stuck. You're not sure why. You hope for bigger or better roles. You know something needs to change...

STAR is for you if you're looking for a track to move forward in the entertainment industry. Safely. Effectively. With good people and a professional team behind you. You'd like to network with proven VIPs: Industry leaders who respect your values and provide real, exciting work.


STAR is for you if you KNOW you don't want to let any more time slip by... without going after what you were put on this earth to do...


Shine prepared our family with the knowledge and tools we needed to allow Tucker and Hudson to move forward.

Tucker asked how he could be on TV, and we had a friend who shared how much she learned from Shine.

Lani, Mom of Tucker and Hudson Meeks

When you enroll in the STAR program,

You're Joining A Talent Development Legacy 75 Years In The Making...

"I'm Carey! The middle of a 3-generation family business in talent development which started in 1960!

Three women: my supermodel mom, Millie Lewis (left), my New York photographer daughter, Glynis Carpenter (right),— and I have been in the talent industry for 75 years! Working, scouting, developing, and launching new stars in all realms of entertainment.

From standing tall on local stages to headlining on Broadway; from dreaming of their first audition to booking major roles; from dressing up in mirrors to modeling for designers; from following celebrities to becoming influencers themselves—positive role models for eager fans. You can see a few of Shine's success stories here!

It’s a time-proven formula I’m delighted to share. I love helping people shine! It’s my mission and life’s work. Our Shine Team is a careful collaboration of wonderful coaches, excellent VIPs, and intelligent artists.

Together we get it– and we get YOU. Your dreams are important, because, through the fulfillment of God-given dreams, the world changes for the better. We’re dedicated to helping you reach your highest potential as a performer.

How? Specifically, STAR a combination of industry-savvy preparation, tons of experience, and proven connections— all done in a close-knit community."

"Success may seem like a mystery. But it’s not!"

I was feeling like my age was something that was against me. Shine affirmed that it wasn’t!

Shine was amazing. It reaffirmed what God put in me to do. I have always desired to be an entertainer and to change the atmosphere wherever I go. Being around people who were like-minded was encouraging for me and confirmed that I was exactly where I needed to be. And that I wasn’t too old. I signed my first record deal with Warner Brothers when I was 32.

Damien Horne, Top 40 Country Artist
Songwriter, TV Host & 2-Time TedEx Speaker

There has never been a point in my life where I have wanted to do anything else but perform.

Shine was a really big turning point, and made me realize that I could pursue acting professionally… it was tangible, accessible and valid.

Mark Daugherty, Actor, Captain Marvel & Disney Descendants

Read on to learn the EXACT formula

that's gotten 67% of STAR Grads signed with legit agents!

That's way higher than ANY 4-year, $200,000+ university theater program. The other 33%? They TOTALLY understand what they need to do to succeed. They're armed with every necessary tool to attract great agents, self-submit successfully, get more callbacks and book work!

To Move FASTER with CONFIDENCE Toward Your Dreams, You Need Talent PLUS...

1. MARKETABILITY = A clear path + the map to get there that will take you as far as you want to go.

As a performer, what are your strengths? What needs an update? What are your best 3 brands? What's slowing your progress? What's the "ticket" for you... that will propel you forward?

All these questions and many more are answered... as Shine places you, a unique performer, under a gentle microscope of marketability. The result? 2024 marketability! Updated brand, image, and talent presentation skills that will help you build massive momentum! Feel CONFIDENT in your talent and KNOW your place in the industry?

2. OPPORTUNITY = An unheard-of chance to get feedback + VIP-answered questions + the possibility for callbacks AND contracts.

How many chances have you had to perform– then get DETAILED written FEEDBACK from top industry VIPs? Shine's network of respected Agents, Managers, Casting Directors & Music Professionals is unprecedented. You'll meet Execs other aspiring performers can't. (Why? They only see new talent by referral. No open submissions.)

What's also undeniable is that even if you DON'T receive an immediate offer, you'll leave with a cutting-edge toolset of VIP-impressing skills that you can use to self-submit to agents in your areas, and GET SIGNED!

3. COMMUNITY = The joy and support of finding people like you + expert coaches + mentors... all who BELIEVE you will succeed!

Performers are unusual people with special gifts. Sometimes, family and friends don't get it! It can be lonely and discouraging.

Connect with a new, talented FAMILY– diverse performers of all ages from all over the U.S., Canada (and the UK); people with talent, faith and courage– who want to succeed without selling out.

Once you join the all-virtual...

program, you'll...

Get personalized help to figure out and fix what's been holding you back, and load up on marketing tools that will help you thrive with 3 months of accelerated, intensive online coaching and personal performer branding by 47-year talent development expert Carey Lewis and her team of experienced coaches (who themselves all work successfully in the industry).

Then, get the chance to show your talent and newly refined brand to VIPs, 15-20 agents, managers, casting directors & music industry professionals in a virtual showcase. Get written feedback from them on each performance plus the chance for callbacks and contracts.

In the STAR program, you also get a truly WOW! Weekend, 2 full days of seminars and workshops, and the chance to ask the VIPs all your questions.

To top it off, get 3 additional months of follow-up and placement support! Stay in the community, get Shine guidance as you have new questions come up, and get opinions about self-tapes, photos, etc.

Shine started my career

because before Shine I didn’t have anything going for me; I had nothing. It really boosted me into the entertainment business.

Ricardo Hurtado, Actor & Singer
Star of Netflix's Malibu Rescue and Nick's School of Rock

Shine gave me confidence.

It is a great measuring stick. It gives you a bridge for things to happen.

T.C. Stallings, Star of War Room

I am absolutely in love with Shine. The community and the whole experience was like Heaven on earth.

It was amazing to see young people and adults going after their dreams but also keeping their faith.

Kêta, Singer/Songwriter, Sony Music Publishing

Take Your Talent from
Overlooked to Outstanding

Unique, Intensive, Personal, Comprehensive Coaching

After you join STAR, you'll begin the coaching process right away! In the VIP or the ICE packages (white or grey squares below), you'll work toward participating in the VIP Review / WOW Workshop Weekend, choosing late April 2025 or late October 2025 (Exact dates TBA).

Marketability Mastery Package

Everything You Need to Succeed Sustainably

Intensive, Laser-Focused Coaching on Marketability Mastery – virtual, interactive sessions led by Carey Lewis on agent-wowing and job-winning branding and professionalism hacks that get you seen, signed, and booked, including…

  • Image and style development: look like a star (before you are)
  • Personal branding: learn your most bookable types to get you in the door
  • Exceptional headshots: stand out from the sea of faces
  • Industry-excellent resumes: look like a pro (even if you aren’t)
  • Pet peeves straight from Industry VIPs: don’t close doors with foolish mistakes
  • Masterful marketing: know where to focus your time and energy
  • Self-submission supremacy: get taken seriously as an A-player
  • Interview techniques: Impress reps and book jobs

On-Demand Course – pre-recorded video modules on every facet of impressing agents and casting directors (STAR DIY Included)

1-on-1 Personal Attention

  • Onboarding Zoom – analysis of where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there
  • Progress Zooms – get answers and stay on target (upon request, 6 max)
  • Course Completion Zoom – your working plan to move forward with confidence
  • Total Photo Shoot Handholding – exactly what to wear, how to style your hair and makeup, posing, expressions, and final image selection

Virtual Community – coaching anytime, plus replays of all live sessions

  • 3 Months in the Shine Collective – invite-only exclusive private virtual membership with…
  • Support with follow-up and VIP reach outs
  • Coaching and advice 
  • Regular classes and workshops
  • Get and stay connected with like-minded friends


Your Investment...


Installments available as low as $70/month


Immersion Package

⭐️ Most Popular! ⭐️ Includes a Virtual Finale Showcase with an avg. 65%** and a rising agent offer rate!

VIP Includes Everything in the Marketability Package
WOW Weekend!

What is Wow Weekend? 3 awesome days, live, over Zoom, with interactive, immersive, truly life-changing VIP and Guest Star Seminars and Workshops with the opportunity to ask your personal questions

  • VIP Talent Reviews– with unprecedented, guaranteed written VIP feedback from TOP agents, managers, casting directors, and music industry professionals. Know what you did right and how you might improve... straight from VIPS. 2 reviews are included. Extras can be added.
  • Exposure to VIPs from the US and Canada, recently including… A3, Abbey Lynn Models, Ambition Talent, Atlanta Models & Talent, Bella Agency, BMG, CESD, CMA Entertainment, Diamond Agency, Discover Mgmt., Donna Baldwin Agency, Forward the Agency, Frontier Booking Int’l., Gospel Music Association, The Recording Academy (The Grammys), Gravity Artists Agency, Grey Talent Group, Herman & Lipson Casting, Heyman Talent, Ingrid French Mgmt., J Pervis Agency, Lily's Talent, The Linicomn Agency, MAM Talent, Rage Talent, Smith Young Talent, Sony/Provident Records, Stagecoach Mgmt., Stewart Talent, Take 3 Agency
  • Chance for Callbacks & Contracts – 67% of recent groups got offers soon after the WOW Weekend.

    The other 33%? They have ALL the tools + know-how to self-submit to additional agents, get offers, audition for jobs, and proceed confidently toward their biggest dreams. As long as they use what they learned in STAR and from their VIP Feedback, they
    can get signed and/or begin working and getting more callbacks and auditions, more confidently.


Your Investment...


Installments available as low as $103/month


Insider Coaching Experience

If You'd Love More Private Guidance, More Coaching Time and More Exposure...

ICE Includes Everything in the MARKETABILITY AND
VIP-Immersion Packages

  • Unlimited Additional VIP Talent Reviews – in performances categories of your choice (valued at $97 each)
  • 12 Weeks of Additional Talent Coaching Sessions – with Carey Lewis
  • On-Demand, 1-on-1 Zooms – with Carey or Glynis

Additional Coaching Sessions with Top Talent & VIP Coaches

  • On-Camera Acting Classes with Top L.A. Audition Coach
  • Commercial Acting Classes with NY Casting Director
  • Modeling & Ask-Anything Advice with former Top Atlanta Talent Agent
  • Voiceover Script Class with a National Coach and Expert

Done For You Extras

  • 1 Voiceover Reel Edited For You
  • 1 Special Skills Reel Edited For You
  • VIP Review Materials (Scripts, etc.) selected for you
  • VIP Pre-Performance Reviews – your submissions will be personally reviewed, and specific suggestions by the leading Talent Agent with the chance to redo and resubmit any performances before the other VIPs review them
  • VIP Video Vault: Access some of SHINE’s best agents, managers, casting directors, and Star Grads... sharing their insights and strategies on succeeding.
  • 3 Additional Months (for a total of 6) in the Shine Collective – personal follow-up and placement support + classes, after the WOW Weekend
  • ICE Chat Support – An upgraded level of support, community, and coaching. Get help when you need it in realtime.
  • Ongoing VIP Placement Submissions – We'll keep submitting you until you're placed.



Your Investment...


Installments available as low as $173/month


What happens after you register?

After you select your package and join STAR, you'll be sent a link to a live, virtual Orientation. Then, you'll begin the program and coaching!

Questions? Email

**The Other 33% Who Don't Get Offers Immediately? They're Self-Submitting (with Our Continued Personal Guidance & Support for 3 months) To Excellent Agents PLUS Commercial, TV & Film Roles. They're Getting Signed, Called Back, & Booking More Work! With The Tools, Confidence, and Coaching They've Gained Through STAR.

The DIY version of STAR and WOW Weekend are also available individually, each for an investment of $997 (installment plans as low as $63/month available through Affirm!) WOW Weekend participation is subject to application and "readiness" approval. Email for details.

Shine's 100% Investment-Back, Heartfelt, No-Risk Guarantee

We’re so sure that the Shine Talent Accelerator & Review will transform your performing life that as long as you attend the live virtual coaching sessions (or watch the recordings) and participate wholeheartedly, you can get 100% of YOUR INVESTMENT BACK anytime during the first two weeks of STAR. This means you can go through 2 full weeks of STAR with ZERO risk to ensure it's a good fit!

Want to chat with a Shine Team Member live?

Text +1 347-343-3379 (BUSINESS HOURS EASTERN TIME)

Please note all prices are in U.S. dollars.
You may also email us at with any questions.

I did not realize how fortunate I was to be a part of Shine until I moved to L.A. Friends who’d been in the city for years would look at me like I was crazy...

as I tried to determine who I would sign with at various agencies and management companies. It never occurred to me that those opportunities I got at Shine weren’t afforded to everyone.

Austen Williams, Actress, Model, Motivational Speaker & Winner of Mrs. America

Pretty much everything began with Shine. Before, we didn’t know anything about the tools you need.

When Sarai was small, whenever we had a get-together, she was always on a microphone, trying to catch people’s attention, acting and repeating stuff she would hear on cartoons or movies. My wife and I said to each other, “You know? We should get her in acting.” And then we heard about Shine.

Pretty much everything began with Shine. Before, we didn’t know anything about the tools you need. 99% percent of the things we learned about the industry... we learned through Shine. Everything– including how to avoid gossip and being humble, she practices every day. It’s been such a good thing for the whole family, especially for Sarai; it’s been unbelievable.”

Juan, Father of Sarai Gonzalez, Actor/Writer, New York

For me, every story is kind of different. Shine changed my life.

When I went through Shine I had already done movies. I’d already done TV. I already had an agent in Atlanta.

Once you’ve done a certain amount of TV and film, you get to a point where you want to have representation on all coasts. You want someone in the south. You want someone in the north. You want someone in the west.

You want great representation. So my LA agent found me, at Shine. I'm still working with him today. I also got representation in New York as well at Shine, which I signed and worked with for about three years, through which I got a lot of theater and Broadway auditions."

Brandin Jay, Actor, Singer/Songwriter, Berklee College of Music Graduate, Songland Finalist

Shine is NOT for performers who...

  • Focus on rapid money or success or on fame
  • Are negative and self-pitying
  • Are uncoachable (think they know better)
  • Don't prioritize clear and prompt communication
  • Think they’re better than others, especially because they've had a little more experience
  • Aren’t willing to show up and do the work
  • Have dreams with an “expiration date” (i.e. "If I don't have something happen in 6 months, then it's just not for me")
  • Give up easily
  • Have a "victim mentality" (looking at others, or life circumstances, as the cause of why they haven't worked on or achieved their goals)

Shine IS for you if you're...

  • A high achiever (all successful performers push through obstacles and aim high)
  • A busy person (busy people get stuff done!)
  • A performer with a calling
  • Tired of pushing your deep desire to perform to the back burner
  • A talented beginner
  • A singer or dancer who wants to break into acting or modeling (while building your singing or dance career because you know that takes more time)
  • An experienced performer who wants a bigger rep and a fresh set of marketing materials to renew your career
  • No longer content to "sit on the sidelines"
  • A performer who's tried to get noticed, but failed

Frequently Asked Questions Answered

How do I know if I'm ready for STAR?

If you're a talented beginner, Shine's unique training can help you start strong with fewer time-sucking, disheartening, and costly mistakes. If you're a working performer wanting bigger opportunities, you're definitely ready.

You can also request a short, one-on-one Zoom session with us by emailing to ask questions and see if STAR is right for you.

Also, you must be accepted into STAR. If you need more time to be ready, we'll notify you within 1-2 business days and refund any tuition paid immediately. We'll also give you written feedback to help you improve!

Advice: what you really need to ask yourself isn't, "Am I ready?" If you ask that, you'll never be. Instead, ask yourself, "Am I committed?" If acting is your dream, follow it wholeheartedly.

My life is so busy. Can I fit this in?

My mother said, "If you want to get something done, ask a busy person." In other words, busy people know how to work— and how to succeed! Success breeds success. Motion creates momentum. If you research your favorite stars (or any stars), you'll discover that most of them are high achievers in many areas. They're BUSY, and they're thriving.

Here's the bottom line: Where is your heart? You must prioritize what's important to you! It's not about busyness. It's about priorities. You can also set an example for those who look up to you. Pursuing your dreams gives them the courage to pursue their dreams, too.

Practically, the live sessions, pre-recorded content, and self-study assignments will take around 2-3 hours a week. As long as you can block WOW Weekend, late October or late April 2025 (exact dates TBA) you can make it work!

What if I'm brand new?

The industry loves new faces. Every VIP wants to be "the one" to introduce a new star! That's also why veteran talent "re-invent" themselves. Another GREAT thing about being a new talent is that you don't have to "unlearn" bad habits. STAR specializes in helping newcomers compete with established pros with savvy polish.

How do I know I can trust Shine?

You can judge a tree by its fruit. A company by its history or success. I'm 69. STAR is the modern evolution of my last company's (AMTC) amazing 36 years in business, working with thousands of talented performers and many top VIPs (partial list here) who trust us to present well-prepared, awesome talent.

In terms of Shine's success stories, judge for yourself. For a partial list of working Shine Grads, visit now.

What if I'm already a working performer and/or have representation?
Expert branding often proves to be the missing link when you're not booking as well as you hope.

A great coach can see things you've missed for months or years! Think about it this way... the top artists and athletes in the world value and hire coaches. They may need a fresh look, a savvy perspective, and/or new marketing materials.

Consider our MARKETABILITY package, which helps even very established performers refine their marketing, branding, and self-presentation skills. Or, if you're interested in finding different or additional representation, the VIP and ICE packages are what you'll need. Qualified performers can also be approved to do the WOW Weekend alone.

How does the STAR compare to other talent training programs or showcases?

Traditional 4-year university programs (price tag $200,000!) do NOT have effective methods to get their grads signed by top agents and help them work successfully in the real world as professional performers. In fact, we've had many recent grads of TOP theater programs come to us saying, "I have no idea what to do next. How do I get an agent and actually do this?"

Acting schools are wildly inconsistent in quality– you'll often learn from teachers who haven't worked in the industry, and if they did, it was long ago. If you're fortunate enough to find one with modern training, they sometimes have showcases as their finale. But even if you get an offer, you're still not equipped to thrive long-term with business and marketing strategies. And should you take the first offer you receive? Sometimes, not! We've consistently seen our Grads get better offers after STAR.

Shine is different from other stand-alone talent events (which cost up to $10,000, not including extra expenses) because bad or outdated advice is given– leading to mediocre or zero results, which quickly or, worse, over time hurt your chances of success. We learn straight from our VIPs what their top talent does and teach it to you!

Today, "virtual" is the name of the entertainment industry game. VIPs love it, as evidenced by the massive shift to self-submissions, auditions, and callbacks. It isn't going away. Why? Virtual auditions and callbacks enable reps and casting directors to see more qualified performers more efficiently and cost-effectively. This is where Shine shines! We teach you how to win NOW.

The cold truth you may not know about Talent Agencies (that most don't want to admit)...

They DON'T have time to teach you most of what you need to know to succeed. They're busier than ever. And someone else would LOVE to take your spot if you don't figure out what it takes to keep them impressed.

The agency doesn't lose much if you give up. But you do!

This is what it feels like to work with Shine...

"I always tell everyone Shine is the greatest launching pad you can have.

I remember it’s the first time that I had ever felt like I had found my niche in life. It brought me the confidence to pursue what I loved. And I think that it opened doors in so many ways, even showing me that it’s okay to be loud and different, because you have to have different types of people in the world.

Emma Elle Roberts, TV/Film Actress (bottom right)

"Our experience with Shine was incredible.

My son really blossomed, not just in his performance, but in his spiritual life. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!"

Christina Custodio, Mom of Singer/Actor Isaiah

"Shine taught me to prepare myself for the industry

and what lies ahead of me. And to be the light or the difference in the industry. I will carry that standard with me."

David J. Coleman

Performers often ask,
"But what if I'm like really new?"

And then they rule themselves out.

They say, "I'll try STAR when I have more experience."

If this sounds like you, Victoria's story might inspire you!

If You Made It This Far…

You’re a thinker. Cool! “Thinkers” are Shine’s kind of people. But think just a little bit more– and answer these questions honestly for yourself…

If Performing Is Truly Your Passion...

And your positive example shining in entertainment saves even one kid from starting on a downward spiral, following destructive role models?

Or what if it’s 10 people. 100. Or 1 million people. You don’t know what God has for you. You won’t know unless you walk it out.

What If Just One Thing You Learn…

In the Shine Talent Accelerator & Review process or from the VIPs gives you a crucial piece of advice that gets you represented, a major job, a big break?

Your career is launched. Your life is changed.

What If You Find One Friend Who...

Shares your passion to perform and is with you, supporting you, for life?

You’ve got somebody who gets you, somebody who also feels called to the entertainment industry. Soon, you’ll have a close circle of friends who become your second family. That’s how most people describe the Shine community. It’s a wealth of amazing people. You are the company you keep.

What If You Click With A Mentor...

An expert who truly sees what’s special about you?

They speak your language in words you can hear and follow. They pull you out and help you grow, so that your marketability is multiplied… and finally, your talent is a WOW to the right agents, managers, casting directors and other decision-makers?

What If You Connect with A VIP…

Who wants to sign you now or in the near future. Or refer you to another industry friend.

They believe you're marketable. That you have that special star quality. Your door is open.

What would these opportunities be worth to you over your lifetime? And what does life look like if you don't pursue your dreams wholeheartedly?

Can a price be put on living what you’re called to do? What is the value of knowing you’ve invested in yourself, in your God-given talent, your path, your dreams?

With Love,

Contracts, Earnings & Fame Disclaimer

In Shine by Carey Lewis, we’re not into unreasonable goals or false promises. Not in 1960 when we started. Not now. Not ever. Performers who prioritize chasing wealth, fame are not for us.

Instead, we believe smart work, excellent preparation, and perseverance are predictors of success. We believe in family involvement, an uplifiting community, and connecting with agents of integrity.

We believe in careful success, which is why we invite only trusted industry professionals to our Shine events. We believe fame is not just a gift for stars, but a responsibility to fans.

With our services and courses, we NEVER promise or imply callbacks, contracts or work, although countless Shine grads have achieved them, each in their own time. Many are working performers: locally, regionally, nationally, and internationally.

NOTE: Callbacks, contracts and work depend on preparation, timing, and factors beyond our control. Nevertheless, we've seen thousands of performers turn hopeful dreams into the joyful reality of moving forward in their God-given purpose.

Shine presents education and networking opportunities to explore your potential in the entertainment industry: safely, effectively, and expediently.